Ear wax removal by microsuction
For home visits call or text 07966 205663
Contact us if you require a same day appointment.
Where are we?
Clinic’s are held at Fairfield Park Health Centre, Bath, BA1 6EA. The clinic room (15) is on the lower ground floor. Come in the main entrance go directly into the waiting room and take the lift down. The health centre has free parking and a disabled parking bay.
Clinics are currently held on Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri, Saturdays and some Tuesdays
We currently have two ear care Nurses. Izzy usually runs the Mon, Wed and Sat clinics. Emma usually runs the Thurs and Fri clinics.
Home visits are available on Mondays and some Sat mornings, depending on availability.

Ear care experts
Our ear care Nurses are experts in Microsuction ear wax removal with over 30 years combined medical and ear care experience.
Why microsuction?
What is microsuction?
Why not ear syringing?
Microsuction ear wax removal explained
A guide to healthy ears
Putting a few drop os of olive oil into your ear once a month or fortnight will help to move skin and wax to the outside of the ear.
Chlorine in swimming pools can interfere with the ph of ear wax and cases infections. Swimming in the sea is better because sea water is more in line with your body. If you get ‘surfers ear’ I recommend you wear a wetsuit hat to cover your ears as the cold wind is one of main causes.
Do not use cotton buds in your ears as it can perforate the ear drum or case trauma to the delicate ear canal. It will also stimulate the glands to produce more wax and push wax further into the ear.

Home visits are available, out of hours (evenings and weekends, depending on availability).
Please call Emma on 07966 205 663. Emma may be in clinic and not able to return your call straight away but will do so as soon as she’s free.
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