Oil for 1-2 days prior to your appointment. Read details below.
Where is the clinic?
Fairfield Park Health Centre, Bath, BA1 6EA. The clinic room (15) is on the lower ground floor. Come in the main entrance go directly into the waiting room and take the lift down. The health centre has free parking and a disabled bay.
Oil your ears
You will need to oil your ears twice a day for 1-2 days before the procedure. You can use olive oil, it’s best if it’s warm. For the best results place a few drops in your ear canal, then make a plug from cotton wool and vaseline, this will keep the oil in, leave the plug in for 30mins or so.
What if I need to cancel or change my appointment?
Use the green button in your confirmation email to change or cancel your appointment, or contact us. We ask that you let us know at least a 24 – 48hrs beforehand so we can offer the appointment to someone else, anything before that and we may have to charge a cancellaiton fee.
Accessibility / disabled access
There is a lift in the main waiting room. Go down to the lower ground floor.
How long does the procedure take?
It depends on how blocked your ears are. We allow 30mins for each appointment this is usually enough time even for the most stubborn wax.
How much does it cost?
£68 for two ears or £48 for one ear (this includes an examination).
We accept cards, bank transfer, cash or cheques.
Find more info about microsuction in our FAQs
Home visits are available, out of hours (evenings and weekends, depending on availability).
Please call Emma on 07966 205 663. Emma may be in clinic and not able to return your call straight away but will do so as soon as she’s free.
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