Keeping up with the the world of ear wax removal

Had another full week of removing ear wax from a variety of patients in and around Bath, North Somerset. I try as much as possible to keep up with Microsuction in the news, including keep up to date with the NICE guidelines. I did find this article the other day on NetDoctor, it goes through all the different options for ear wax removal, it’s a great article and covers the main methods. I only do ear irrigation and microsuction. Mainly it’s microsuction because this is the safest method for removal of ear wax. However recently I have had a few instances where I’v needed to do both, so microsuction followed by irrigation, this is because sometimes there will be a small pool of liquid wax left in the ear canal near to the ear drum, so irrigation is the most efficient way to remove it. Patients don’t mind and we leave their ear canal clean and wax free. Here is the article have a look if you’re interested it covers a great deal.

I’ve been busy this week getting Bath Ear Care out there on the net, so i can be easily found the most recent one was HotFrog, check out the listing
You can also view me on LinkedIn
And I’ve been busy on Facebook, where you can book an ear wax removal appointment, which is great. The power of social media!

Our new Google Bath Ear Care website went live recently, it details all the info from this site and more ear wax removal information for the local area – check it out here

Do you want to read about Bath Ear Care microsuction ear wax removal

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